ISHI is Ah-Yasha in Paleo Hebrew! The Father and Son have the SAME NAME!

New in the 2nd edition Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures Aleph Tav (YASAT)
ISHI / IYSHIY / Ah-Yasha
Hidden in plain sight for Ishi the Father, is the Paleo Hebrew word Ah-Yasha. The Father and Son have the SAME NAME Yasha!
John 5:43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
איש=Ah-Ya-Sha=cya =Ah-Yasha (Ishi)
Yashayah=Son="Our Saviour"
Both have hayah for a name!
Hosea 2:16 And it shall be at that day, saith hyha Ahâyâh (the*LORD), that thou shalt call me cya Ah-Yasha (Ishi); and shalt call me no more Baali.
*Lord (means Baal) and God (Gad Babylonian diety of fortune) have been removed from these scriptures. EL in the scriptures has been replaced with cya Ah-Yasha (Ishi), because EL is a pagan Canaanite false god and Baal is a son of EL.
Ishi in the Bible is NOT a pagan term.
Means “My Husband”, whereas Baali is "My Lord".
Baal or Baali means the Bull, the Golden Calf. So Lord is Pagan for the BULL.
Can you imagine that most bibles use Lord, which means Baal?
H376 man male; someone.
H3469 Yish`iy (Yashayah, Saviour)
H3449 Yishshiyah
Ishi = "He saves me"
Hosea 2:16 And it shall be at that day, saith the*Ahâyâh, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali.
We are to no longer call Him Lord, so stop using a Bible that has LORD.
John 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.
Zechariah 13:5 But he shall say, I am no prophet, I am an husbandman; for man taught me to keep cattle from my youth.
This scripture uses Ah-Yasha (Ishi) rather then EL. El means the father to Baal.
Elohim is changed to Ahlahayam in the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures.
Sefer Toledot Yeshu (ספר תולדות ישו, The Book of the Generations/History/Life of the Messiah), often abbreviated as Toledot Yeshu, is an early Jewish text taken to be an alternative biography of Messiah. It exists in a number of different versions, none of which are considered either canonical or normative within rabbinic literature,[1] but which appear to have been widely circulated in Europe and the Middle East in the medieval period.[2][3] A 15th-century Yemenite work of the same was titled Maaseh Yeshu, or the "Episode of Messiah," in which Messiah is described as being the son of Joseph, the son of Pandera (see: Episode of Messiah). The account portrays Messiah as an impostor.
The stories claim that Messiah (Yeshu) was an illegitimate child, and that he practiced magic and heresy, seduced women, and died a shameful death.[4] But they also show a paradoxical respect for Messiah.
Toledot Yeshu ("The Life Story of Jesus) Revisited edited by Peter Schafer, Michael Meerson and Yaacov Deutch Pg. 164
Yeshu harasha' appears in the majority of Toledot Yeshu manuscripts that I consulted (including Strasbourg BnU 3974; JTS 2221; Cambridge 557); and Ox. Cod. Heb 2407 (Opp. Add. 4 145) call Yeshu rasha'. For rabbinic references to haman harasha'. The epithet harasha' is also used for some other characters deemed evil in rabbinic literature, for example Balaam
Yeshu harasha' or Yeshu rasha' is very very close to Yasha which means saviour in Hebrew. The fact that medieval people who wanted his name blotted out called him that, is a lot closer then the modern 500 year old name of Jesus.
Yasha means saviour in Hebrew, He is the Messiah.
The Yasha Ahayah Bibles uses Yasha for the Messiah rather then other Pagan terms like Jesus or Joshua etc etc.

If you like this knowledge of Ahayah (The Father) and Yasha (The Son), please consider a donation using the PayPal button. A lot of years of research has gone into bringing out His Holy Word. I currently pay 1 cents per click on a banner ad and hosting fees, about $100USD a month maximum.

You would do well to have a Holy Name Bible in your possession, Purchase Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures without Pagan Terms
There are plenty more terms in the scriptures that are PAGAN (SATANIC) which you use everyday.
Reading CLEAN SCRIPTURES will help train you to follow the REAL CREATOR & HIS wishes!
- AHAYAH is the real name of the Father mentioned only once in Exodus 3:14 (The Great "I AM that I AM" in original Paleo Hebrew
- AMEN used at end of prayers is invoking the Egyptian god Amen Ra!
- Aleph and Tav is like when the Messiah calls himself the Alpha and Omega, He is the "beginning and the end". There is thousands of hidden instances of the Messiah (Saviour) found in the Old Testament. They are restored in the YASAT edition
- The name Jehovah for the Father is actually Baali, a false satanic God. Find out why here! The scriptures in the Yasha Ahayah Bible have been cleaned up so that you don't invoke Satan and are more likely to have your prayers answered.
- Many bibles like the NIV etc. are corrupted. Only one line of Bibles has the preserved WORD of the Father and Son. Find out why.
- The scriptures teach about "Vain Traditions of Men" (Matthew 15:9), Holidays that people follow which are Satanic and pagan in nature. These scriptures point out which are the proper ones to follow and the dates and times.
- Many people don't know this, but the term Christian and Christ is actually PAGAN! Find out why here! Messianic and Messiah are the proper term which is used throughout these scriptures.
- Was the Saviour (Messiah) actually born on Christmas December 25th? No, Its actually the Pagan God Tammuz who was born on that day. Find out more about all the Pagan and Satanic holidays which happen in December 25th.
- It is not well known but "Church" is also pagan in origin. The Father and SON does not live in Temples built by human hands Acts 17:24. The proper term used in these scriptures is "Assembly".
- While the Saviour (Messiah) was actually hung on a cross, it is the murder weapon and we should not be worshipping the idol image. Many other Holy Name Scriptures believe wrongly that He was hung on a Stake or a Gallow, but the proof is found here on this link.
- Why do Christians celebrate pagan holidays like Easter? Which was originally a pagan sex and fertility festival. Find out the proper term and holiday these scriptures use.
- Your "Bible" uses the term "EL" for God. Find out why "EL" is pagan and Satanic here.
- Your "Bible" uses the term "EL Elyon" for God. Find out why "EL Elyon" is pagan and Satanic here and why Ishi-Elyon and Ahla Elyon is used instead.
- Your "Bible" uses the term "Eloah" for God. Find out why "Eloah" is pagan and Satanic here.
- Your "Bible" is filled with the term "Elohim" for God. Elohim by definition means DEMON, for proof head here. The second edition uses Ahlahayam which is the Paleo Hebrew equivalent and proper term. Start reading "CLEAN WORD" today!
- Many "Bibles" show the Exodus route to Mount Sinai in Egypt, but that is wrong! Find out the real location here.
- Many "Bibles" have Holy Ghost which is a Pagan Term. Find out here the proper terms used in the scriptures.
- Many "Bibles" are filled with thousands and thousands of the term "GOD". It is the name for SATAN! Find out here the proper terms used in the scriptures.
- Grove or Asherah Pole is a pagan worship. The KJV is missing Asherah pole.
- Ishi found in Hosea 2:16 is NOT pagan, but in Paleo Hebrew means Ah-Yasha. The Father and the SON have the SAME NAME fulfilling John 5:43!
- I know this will surprise you, but Jesus is a PAGAN term for the "HORSE" and likely means the Mark of the Beast!
- JEHOVAH name was invented by a MAN in 1270CE, find out here. The Fathers real name is AHAYAH and is restored in the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures
- Law in the Bible is a pagan term. Most people think when they hear the word law, they tend to think of todays courts and various laws, like speeding tickets, common law and civil laws, but the Bible meant the law was the first 5 books (Starting with Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) called the Torah
- Lord in the Bible is a pagan term and stands for Baal as in Baalzebub. Many Bibles are filled with the term "Lord", but you are really praying to SATAN!
- Many "Bibles" have "Mary", but the SON's real mother was Maryam and it is restored in here!
- Almost every "Bible" has Old Testament and New Testament, but those divisions were made by man. The New Testament has 1050 laws which explain the Old Testaments 613 Torah Laws. The same man who invented Trinity, made the Bible divisions and his name is exposed in here!
- Once Saved Always Saved (OSAS) is a false doctrine and is explained here.
- Saturday is the true day of worship and rest, NOT Sunday and it is explained and proved in here.
- The laws of the Old Testament is called the Torah. The name "Torah Law" is restored in these scriptures.
- Churches preach and teach that you need to accept TRINITY to be saved, but is not found in the scriptures, it was invented by a man and his name is exposed here! The true word is echad and means ONE Deuteronomy 6:4
- URIM and the THUMMIM (Aleph and Tav) את contains the same saying as the Messiah, joining the New Testament to the Old Testament.
- YAH or JAH is a Pagan term of "My Baal" or an Egyptian moon God. Check Psalms 68:4 of your Bible to see if it is corrupted!
- Yasha is the true name of the Messiah and means Saviour in Hebrew. Documented proof that the oldest Bibles contained His Holy Name within the nomina sacra
- Yeshua or Yeshu are NOT the name of the Saviour and proof is found here!
- YHWH YAHWEH יהוה Tetragrammaton is NOT the name of the FATHER and proof is found here!
- Many churches preach that the RAPTURE will save Christians, but that doctrine is NOT scriptural. Proof here!
- What are you required to put on your door and fencepost for ALL GENERATIONS? Sacred text found in the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures
Only the YASHA AHAYAH SCRIPTURES fixes all the pagan idols and false GODS, so that you follow and worship the REAL CREATOR & HIS wishes!